Meghalaya Health Systems Strengthening Project

department of meghalya LOGO



District Facility Name Type Name of Work % of Completion
West Garo Hills Posenggagre SC Improvement of Health Infrastructure-Type B New Construction 100%
West Garo Hills Chenggapara SC Improvement of Health Infrastructure-Type B New Construction 100%
West Garo Hills Josipara SC Improvememnt and Renovation of Sub-Centre 0%
West Garo Hills Sandongdapgre SC Quarter of ANM and Extension of Labour Room 100%
West Garo Hills Purakhasia PHC Extension of Labour Room 100%
West Garo Hills Anogre SC Improvement of Health Infrastructure-Type B New Construction 100%
West Garo Hills Bolchugre SC Improvement of Health Infrastructure-Type B New Construction 100%
West Garo Hills Darengre PHC Extension of Labour Room 100%
West Garo Hills Gambegre SC Improvement of Health Infrastructure-Type B New Construction 100%
West Garo Hills Doldegre SC Improvement of Health Infrastructure-Type B New Construction 100%
West Garo Hills Dakopgre SC I0mprovement of Health Infrastructure-Type B New Construction 100%
District Facility Name Type Name of Work % of Completion

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