Environmental and Social Safegurads(ESS)
The environmental and social safeguards component of the project comprises of a set of standards that supports the project in the assessment of environmental and social impacts for its project areas.

Some key activities conducted under this component include:
• ESS workshop: A workshop focused on Environmental and Social Safeguards was held on the 23rd and 24th April 2024 by the Project Management Unit (PMU) of MHSSP and the world bank task team. The purpose of this workshop was to enhance capacity regarding ESS indicators particularly in relation to labor laws, environmental regulations and compliance with other safeguards pertinent to the construction activities of the project. Participants included junior engineers, district quality assurance associates, member of the PMU and PMA team of the project, representatives from the Directorate and the Health & Engineering wing of Health & Family welfare department and the Shillong Pollution Control Board.
Activities during the workshop included discussions and field visits to assess fundamental ESS indicators across various health care facilities, share findings, address implementation gaps and challenges and possible solutions emphasizing the critical importance of minimizing impacts through specified mitigation measures.
• Stakeholder Consultation: Stakeholder consultation is an integral process of the project that takes place before the commencement of the construction works, during and after the completion of construction works in the health care facility.
To this effect, several stakeholders’ consultation has taken place at the district level, with the office of the District Commissioner, District Medical & Health Officer and community members of the district. The purpose of such consultation is to orient the concerned individuals on the project objectives and its ESS standards, particularly with regards to community health & safety, labor management, site specific registration and other safeguards compliance in the construction areas.
• Field Visit monitoring: Field visits to the construction sites are also regularly made by a team of engineers, environmental and social development consultants, and contractor personnel to hold consultation with key field personnel and monitor the ESS compliance vis a vis labor license, contract license, utilization of personal protection equipment etc, of the project.
Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) at the Workplace Act 2013
• Development of POSH policy:Under the ESS component the project has developed a policy on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace.
• Orientation on the POSH Act 2013: A POSH orientation program for MHSSP team was conducted on 20th July 2023 and a state level orientation for the Directorate of Health Services, District Medical & Health Officers and representative from the Health Care facilities was held on 13th October 2023.
• Establishments of the Internal Committee under the POSH Act 2013 in project healthcare facilities.
Important Link
Glimpses of Statewide Workshop/Training on ESS