Meghalaya Health Systems Strengthening Project

department of meghalya LOGO

Technical Agency Activities

S. No. Consultancy Activities Sub Activities Start Date End Date
61 MHIS (Meghalaya Health Insurance) Comprehensive Evaluation of MHIS Phase 1 - Draft assessment report including recommendations 11-08-2021 12-11-2021
62 MHIS (Meghalaya Health Insurance) Comprehensive Evaluation of MHIS Phase 1- Final assessment report including recommendations 11-08-2021 16-11-2021
63 MHIS (Meghalaya Health Insurance) Comprehensive Evaluation of MHIS Phase 1- Detailed financial plan with 5 year projections 11-08-2021 12-12-2021
64 MHIS (Meghalaya Health Insurance) Comprehensive Evaluation of MHIS Phase 2- Detailed implementation plan as mentioned in activity Phase 2 11-08-2021 12-01-2022
65 MHIS (Meghalaya Health Insurance) Comprehensive Evaluation of MHIS Phase 2- Draft operational guidelines and manuals 11-08-2021 12-01-2022
66 MHIS (Meghalaya Health Insurance) Comprehensive Evaluation of MHIS Phase 2- Final operational guidelines and manuals 11-08-2021 12-02-2022
67 SBCC(Social Behavior Change Communication) Inception Report Finalization of Inception Report 15-02-2022 15-03-2022
68 SBCC(Social Behavior Change Communication) Communication Needs Assessment Report on Communication Needs Assessment 15-03-2022 15-05-2022
69 PMA Monthly Report Report for the month of May'2022 01-06-2022 27-06-2022
70 PMA Quarterly Report Report for Quarter ending JUNE'2022 01-07-2022 29-07-2022
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